William C. Gilder1

     William married Martha Ann ABNEY, daughter of Zachariah ABNEY and Tabitha TOWNSEND, circa 1839.1,2
Last Edited=30 Jan 2019


  1. [S276] Edgefield Chapter South Carolina Genealogical Society, ABCDs of Edgefield, Zachariah Abney Bible, pg. 115.
  2. [S1040] Barbara R. Langdon, Edgefield Marriages 1769-1880.

Enoch James

M, b. 1771, d. 1858
     Enoch James was born in 1771 in Marlboro County, South Carolina.

Enoch married first Selah BROWN, daughter of Edmund BROWN and Nancy ANDERSON, circa 1790 in Marlboro County, South Carolina.

Enoch James and Selah BROWN appeared as head of household on a census enumerated 1790 in Richmond County, North Carolina. The household was listed as one male over 16 [Enoch] and one female [Selah].

Enoch James and Selah BROWN moved from Marlboro County to Wells Creek, Stewart (now Houston) County, Tennessee, before 1806 when he appeared on a tax list in Capt. Graham's Company. Moving with them was Selah's brother Jesse A. Brown. Other names with possible connections were Fred Barfield, James Barfield, William Cottingham, John Cottingham, John Graham, and Benjamin James.

On 20 January 1803 Enoch and his brother, Benjamin James; Edmund Brown; John and William Cottingham; William Cottingham, Jr; and Mordecai Lewis as citizens of Montgomery county signed a petition for the formation of a new county from the western part of Montgomery. Stewart county was formed in 1803.

Enoch James of Robertson County bought land from Duncan Stewart of Montgomery County on 2 April 1803 in Stewart County, Tennessee. The parcel contained 100 acres on Wells Creek, adjacent to John Seal's east boundary. path leading from "Enoch to his brother Benjamin." It was part of 1000 acres granted to Stewart. Witnesses were William Cottingham and Charles Stewart.1

Enoch James was included on a tax list in 1807 in Stewart County, Tennessee. He appeared in Captain John Warden's company along with Benjamin James. Enoch had 100 acres and Benjamin 130 acres.

Enoch James sold a tract of land to William James on 6 January 1808 in Stewart County, Tennessee, containing 100 acres near headwaters of Wells Creek, adjacent to John Seal's south boundary and path leading from Enoch James' "to where his brother B[enjamin] James formerly lived." This was a part of 1000 acres granted to Duncan Stewart. Witness were W. Bethea and Charles Moore.2

Enoch James was included on a tax list in 1809 in Stewart County, Tennessee. He was listed in Captian Burton's company and had 100 acres.

Enoch James was included on a tax list in 1810 in Stewart County, Tennessee. He and William James were listed in Capt. John Warden's Militia Company. William had 100 acres on Wells Creek.

Enoch James was included on a tax list in 1812 in Stewart County, Tennessee. He was listed in Capt. John Warden's militia company along with William James.

Enoch James appeared as head of household on a census enumerated 1820 in Stewart County, Tennessee. The household was listed as He is listed as living alone, age 45-55.

Enoch James was the administrator of the estate of Richard Bragg, the lst husband of his second wife, Mary Moody. Richard Bragg settled in Greene County, Alabama about 1817 on the Bigby River where he owned a retail business with his brother William Bragg. Richard Bragg died in the late summer of 1824 and Mary Moody Bragg, almost immediately married Enoch James, a recent widower due to the death of his lst wife, Celia Brown. Although he was almost 30 years her senior, Enoch James marriage to Mary Moody Bragg appears to have been a happy one. When Mary's son, William Thomas Bragg, died in Sumter County, Alabama in 1847 he showed affection toward his step father Enoch James by giving him a lifetime interest in three slaves. The union may have been a success because the James family and the Bragg family appear to have been very close. Three of Richard Bragg's siblings married children of Enoch and Celia Brown James. Margaret Bragg m. John James, her brother, James T. Bragg, married Enoch James' daughter, Celia Lillian, and her sister, Mary J. Bragg married Enoch's son Thomas James on 8-24-1825 in Greene County, Alabama.

Enoch James was a Methodist lay minister in 1827 in Mount Zion Methodist Church, Old Spring Hill, Marengo County, Alabama. "At an early day a Methodist society was organized in a schoolhouse about one mile from the present Old Spring Hill. By that society a meeting house was built of hewn logs, probably about 1827, and the place was called Mount Zion. That Society was composed at the first of intelligent, thrifty and liberal citizens. ...Enoch James, a local preacher, and John Tagart, a local preacher, were members there at an early day..."3

As of 1840, Enoch James was living in Washington County, Alabama. In 1843 Enoch and Mary sold the land that she inherited from her father, Francis Moody, to her son, William Thoms Bragg, and left Washington county for Lauderdale county, Mississippi.

Enoch James died in 1858 in Lauderdale County, Mississippi.
Last Edited=20 Mar 2021

Children of Enoch James and Selah BROWN


  1. [S272] Mary Riggins and Betty Claxton, Stewart County Deeds, DB D(typed as Book 4) pg. 282.
  2. [S272] Mary Riggins and Betty Claxton, Stewart County Deeds, DB D(typed as Book 4) pg. 247.
  3. [S883] Rev. Anson West, History of Methodism in Alabama, pg. 336.

Mary Etta Nabors1,2

F, b. 17 January 1888, d. 15 January 1967
     Mary Etta Nabors, daughter of W. Burris Nabors and Mariah Elizabeth Wyers, was born on 17 January 1888 in Alabama.1,3

Mary married John Henderson Bradford WATTS, son of Phillip Morgan WATTS and Sarah Elizabeth MOSES, on 17 September 1905 at the home of Morgan Watts in Bibb County, Alabama.1,4

Mary Etta Nabors and John Henderson Bradford WATTS appeared as head of household on a census enumerated 5 May 1910 in Brookwood, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. The household was listed as John Watts, a 30-year-old laborer at Bishop Ford's saw mill, and his 22-year-old wife, Etta. They had been married five years and it was the first marriage for each. Etta was the mother of three with two living. They rented their home on Davis Road. John could read and write, but not Etta. Their children were Albert, 4, and Rushton, age nine months. Also living with them was Arthur Griffin, their 19-year-old boarder, who also worked at the saw mill.5

Mary Etta Nabors appeared as head of household on a census enumerated 14 January 1920 in Brookwood Precinct, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. The household was listed as Etta Watts, a 33-year-old widow with three children. She worked as a private laundress, taking in washing. She could read and write. Her children were Albert, 16; Gertrude, 8; and Edward, 3 9/12.6

Mary Etta Nabors appeared as head of household on a census enumerated 8 April 1930 in Hallman Beat, Bibb County, Alabama. The household was listed as Etta Watts, a 43-year-old widow. She was renting a house from W. L. Averette and could read and write. No occupation was given. Her son, Edward, lived nearby as a servant to H. T. Averette.7

Mary Etta Nabors died on 15 January 1967 in Marion, Perry County, Alabama, at age 78.8 She was buried in Pondville Community Cemetery.
Last Edited=9 Aug 2022

Children of Mary Etta Nabors and John Henderson Bradford WATTS


  1. [S353] George Randall Watts, "Watts Genealogy," e-mail to John K. Brown, 10 July 2000; info from Luther D. Watts of Jasper, Alabama.
  2. [S432] Dee Rowe, "Weaver Connections," e-mail to John K. Brown, 10 August 2001.
  3. [S497] Bibb Co. Website, online http://www.rootsweb.com/~albibb/, First Families section, Jacob D. Hallman, submitted by Doris Jean Rowe (dec'd).
  4. [S271] Bibb County Marriages: Book L, pg. 190.
  5. [S594] 1910 U. S. Census, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, John Watts household 269, ED 148, pg. 19-B.
  6. [S531] 1920 U. S. Census, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, Etter Watts household, ED 112, pg. 48.
  7. [S475] 1930 U. S. Census, Bibb County, Alabama, Etta Watts household 162, ED 4, pg. 7-B.
  8. [S5] Howard F. McCord, Cemeteries of Bibb County, Alabama 1817-1974.

Albert Cecil WATTS1

M, b. 8 February 1903, d. May 1953
2nd cousin 2 times removed of John Kennedy BROWN Jr.
     Albert Cecil WATTS, son of John Henderson Bradford WATTS and Mary Etta Nabors, was born on 8 February 1903 in Alabama.1

Albert Cecil WATTS appeared on a census, enumerated 5 May 1910, in the household of John Henderson Bradford WATTS and Mary Etta Nabors in Brookwood, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama.2

Albert Cecil WATTS appeared on a census, enumerated 14 January 1920, in the household of Mary Etta Nabors in Brookwood Precinct, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama.3

Albert Cecil WATTS died in May 1953 in Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, at age 50.4
Last Edited=9 Aug 2022


  1. [S353] George Randall Watts, "Watts Genealogy," e-mail to John K. Brown, 10 July 2000; info from Luther D. Watts of Jasper, Alabama.
  2. [S594] 1910 U. S. Census, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, John Watts household 269, ED 148, pg. 19-B.
  3. [S531] 1920 U. S. Census, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, Etter Watts household, ED 112, pg. 48.
  4. [S568] "Alabama Death and Burials Index, 1908-1974", unknown cd.

Bessie Gertrude WATTS1,2

F, b. 4 January 1912, d. 18 April 2002
2nd cousin 2 times removed of John Kennedy BROWN Jr.
     Bessie Gertrude WATTS, daughter of John Henderson Bradford WATTS and Mary Etta Nabors, was born on 4 January 1912 in Bibb County, Alabama.1,3

Bessie Gertrude WATTS appeared on a census, enumerated 14 January 1920, in the household of Mary Etta Nabors in Brookwood Precinct, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama.4

Bessie married Nathan Leslie Duncan in 1930 in Bibb County, Alabama.5

Bessie Gertrude WATTS and Nathan Leslie Duncan appeared as head of household on a census enumerated 15 April 1930 in Eoline, Bibb County, Alabama. The household was listed as Nathan Duncan, a 21-year-old farmer, and Gertrude Duncan, his 18 year old wife. They were married in 1930. They were renting their farm and lived next door to William and Annie Duncan. Nathan was not a veteran.5

Bessie Gertrude WATTS and Nathan Leslie Duncan appeared as head of household on a census enumerated 15 April 1940 in James, Bibb County, Alabama. The household was listed as Nathan L. Duncan, a 31-year-old farmer, and B. Gertrude, his 28-year-old wife. Their children were; Virginia M., 9; Nathan M., 6; Midear, 5; and Izoma D., 2.6

Bessie Gertrude WATTS died on 18 April 2002 in Centreville, Bibb County, Alabama, at age 90.7 She was buried in Pondville Cemetery, Bibb County, Alabama.
Last Edited=9 Aug 2022


  1. [S353] George Randall Watts, "Watts Genealogy," e-mail to John K. Brown, 10 July 2000; info from Luther D. Watts of Jasper, Alabama.
  2. [S942] Les Duncan, "Phillip Morgan Watts Family," e-mail to John K. Brown, 21 Jul 2015.
  3. [S497] Bibb Co. Website, online http://www.rootsweb.com/~albibb/, First Families, Joseph Whyer.
  4. [S531] 1920 U. S. Census, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, Etter Watts household, ED 112, pg. 48.
  5. [S475] 1930 U. S. Census, Bibb County, Alabama, Nathan Duncan household #94, ED 4-19, pg. 5A.
  6. [S943] 1940 U. S. Census, Bibb County, Alabama, Nathan L. Duncan household #103, ED 4-5, pg. 5-B.
  7. [S696] Find A Grave (website), online http://www.findagrave.com, Bessie Gertrude Watts Duncan, Find a Grave Memorial #105388249.

Edward Franklin WATTS1

M, b. 2 October 1916, d. 11 February 1960
2nd cousin 2 times removed of John Kennedy BROWN Jr.
     Edward Franklin WATTS, son of John Henderson Bradford WATTS and Mary Etta Nabors, was born on 2 October 1916 in Tuscaloosa County, Alabama.1

Edward Franklin WATTS appeared on a census, enumerated 14 January 1920, in the household of Mary Etta Nabors in Brookwood Precinct, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama.2

Edward Franklin WATTS appeared on a census enumerated 8 April 1930 in Hallman Beat, Bibb County, Alabama. The household was listed as H. T. Averette, a 61-year-old farmer and Edward Watts, his 13-year-old servant. Edward's mother, Etta, lived nearby.3

Edward Franklin WATTS died on 11 February 1960 in San Francisco, California, at age 43.4
Last Edited=9 Aug 2022


  1. [S353] George Randall Watts, "Watts Genealogy," e-mail to John K. Brown, 10 July 2000; info from Luther D. Watts of Jasper, Alabama.
  2. [S531] 1920 U. S. Census, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, Etter Watts household, ED 112, pg. 48.
  3. [S475] 1930 U. S. Census, Bibb County, Alabama, H. T. Averette household 159, ED 4, pg. 7-B.
  4. [S281] Duncan and Tuggle Family Trees, ID 118406431, owner Lesley Duncan, digital image at Ancestry.Com. http://www.Ancestry.Com

Sarah Jerusha Luvenia Boyd1

F, b. 20 July 1879, d. 7 December 1941
     Sarah Jerusha Luvenia Boyd was born on 20 July 1879.

Sarah married James Marion WATTS, son of Phillip Morgan WATTS and Sarah Elizabeth MOSES, on 3 April 1910 at residence of J. L. Boyd in Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. With the ceremony performed by W. R. Kyle, justice of peace.1,2

Sarah Jerusha Luvenia Boyd and James Marion WATTS appeared as head of household on a census enumerated 7 May 1910 in Koeppell, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. The household was listed as James M. Watts, a 27-year-old saw mill laborer, and his new wife, a 29-year-old Louvenia. They had been married less than a year and it was their first marriage. They lived in the household of her parents, Luther Boyd, 57, and Mary Jane, 63, at 331 Brookwood Road. Luther was a farm laborer. Mary Jane was the mother of five, but only two were living.3

Sarah Jerusha Luvenia Boyd and James Marion WATTS appeared as head of household on a census enumerated 8 January 1920 in Clement Station, Jones, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. The household was listed as James Watts, 38, blacksetter in a sawmill, and his wife, Louvenia, 40, along with their children, David, 8; Roy, 6; Josephine, 3 years one month; and Nettie, age one year and 5 months. Also living with them was James' mother, Sarah, age 67. All were born in Alabama.4

Sarah Jerusha Luvenia Boyd died on 7 December 1941 at age 62.5 She was buried in Enterprise Baptist Church Cemetery, Vance, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama.
Last Edited=12 Jun 2019

Children of Sarah Jerusha Luvenia Boyd and James Marion WATTS


  1. [S353] George Randall Watts, "Watts Genealogy," e-mail to John K. Brown, 10 July 2000; info from Luther D. Watts of Jasper, Alabama.
  2. [S361] Tuscaloosa County Marriages: Marriage Book 8, 1907-1911, pg. 350. James M. Watts & Miss Luvenia Boyd.
  3. [S594] 1910 U. S. Census, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, Luther Boyd household 331, ED 150, pg. 17-B.
  4. [S245] 1920 U. S. Census, Bibb County, Alabama, James Watts household, ED 116, Sheet 9, Line 56.
  5. [S696] Find A Grave (website), online http://www.findagrave.com

Lemuel David WATTS1

M, b. 7 July 1911, d. 21 November 1988
2nd cousin 2 times removed of John Kennedy BROWN Jr.
     Lemuel David WATTS, son of James Marion WATTS and Sarah Jerusha Luvenia Boyd, was born on 7 July 1911 in Cedar Cove (Coaling), Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. Cedar Cove is located just north of Cottondale along Highway 11.1,2

Lemuel David WATTS appeared on a census, enumerated 8 January 1920, in the household of his parents James Marion WATTS and Sarah Jerusha Luvenia Boyd in Clement Station, Jones, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. He was 8 years old.3

Lemuel married Vivian Allene Johnston on 3 March 1940 in Woodstock, Bibb County, Alabama. His occupation at the time was coal miner. She was the daughter of Luther Johnston and her mother was a Harmon.4,5

Lemuel David WATTS served in the U. S. Army during World War II enlisting on 23 June 1943 in Jefferson County, Alabama. He entered service at Fort McClellan, Alabama.

Lemuel David WATTS died on 21 November 1988 in Sumiton, Walker County, Alabama, at age 77.4,6
Last Edited=18 Aug 2022


  1. [S353] George Randall Watts, "Watts Genealogy," e-mail to John K. Brown, 10 July 2000; info from Luther D. Watts of Jasper, Alabama.
  2. [S539] Luther D. Watts, "Jame M. Watts," listserve message 23 Aug 1999.
  3. [S245] 1920 U. S. Census, Bibb County, Alabama, James Watts household, ED 116, Sheet 9, Line 56.
  4. [S353] George Randall Watts, "Watts Genealogy," e-mail to John K. Brown, 10 July 2000.
  5. [S536] Tuscaloosa Records, online http://www.tuscco.com, Marriage Records, Bk. 19W, pg. 39.
  6. [S320] "SSDI," online http://ssdi.genealogy.rootsweb.com, for Lemuel D. Watts, 423-10-8543.


M, b. 25 June 1913, d. 23 August 1968
2nd cousin 2 times removed of John Kennedy BROWN Jr.
     Roy L. WATTS, son of James Marion WATTS and Sarah Jerusha Luvenia Boyd, was born on 25 June 1913 in Cedar Cove (Coaling), Tuscaloosa County, Alabama.1,2 He never married.

Roy L. WATTS appeared on a census, enumerated 8 January 1920, in the household of his parents James Marion WATTS and Sarah Jerusha Luvenia Boyd in Clement Station, Jones, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. He was 6 years old.3

Roy L. WATTS served in the U. S. Army during World War II.

Roy L. WATTS died on 23 August 1968 in Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, at age 55.2 He was buried in Enterprise Baptist Church Cemetery, Vance, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama.
Last Edited=15 Jun 2019


  1. [S353] George Randall Watts, "Watts Genealogy," e-mail to John K. Brown, 10 July 2000; info from Luther D. Watts of Jasper, Alabama.
  2. [S696] Find A Grave (website), online http://www.findagrave.com
  3. [S245] 1920 U. S. Census, Bibb County, Alabama, James Watts household, ED 116, Sheet 9, Line 56.

Nettie Quilline WATTS1

F, b. 6 September 1918, d. 5 November 1987
2nd cousin 2 times removed of John Kennedy BROWN Jr.
     Nettie Quilline WATTS, daughter of James Marion WATTS and Sarah Jerusha Luvenia Boyd, was born on 6 September 1918 in Cedar Cove (Coaling), Tuscaloosa County, Alabama.1

Nettie Quilline WATTS appeared on a census, enumerated 8 January 1920, in the household of her parents James Marion WATTS and Sarah Jerusha Luvenia Boyd in Clement Station, Jones, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. She was one year old.2

Nettie married Roland Johnson circa 1938.3 She was buried in Cottondale Cemetery, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama.

Nettie Quilline WATTS died on 5 November 1987 in Tupelo, Mississippi, at age 69.4
Last Edited=15 Jun 2019


  1. [S353] George Randall Watts, "Watts Genealogy," e-mail to John K. Brown, 10 July 2000; info from Luther D. Watts of Jasper, Alabama.
  2. [S245] 1920 U. S. Census, Bibb County, Alabama, James Watts household, ED 116, Sheet 9, Line 56.
  3. [S353] George Randall Watts, "Watts Genealogy," e-mail to John K. Brown, 10 July 2000.
  4. [S696] Find A Grave (website), online http://www.findagrave.com

William Henry PACE1

M, b. 4 September 1837
2nd cousin 3 times removed of John Kennedy BROWN Jr.
John Burtt Descendants Chart
     William Henry PACE, son of Elkanah PACE and Nancy Hurt BURT, was born on 4 September 1837.1
Last Edited=10 Mar 2007


  1. [S368] Donna Warner Lehman, "Southern Burts," listserve message unknown original date, 4 July 2000.

James Washington PACE1,2

M, b. 8 March 1840, d. 20 May 1920
2nd cousin 3 times removed of John Kennedy BROWN Jr.
John Burtt Descendants Chart
     James Washington PACE, son of Elkanah PACE and Nancy Hurt BURT, was born on 8 March 1840 in Muscogee County, Georgia.1

James married Mattie Cornelia Bell on 12 April 1864 in Stewart County, Georgia.3

James Washington PACE died on 20 May 1920 in Nixon, Texas, at age 80.
Last Edited=21 Sep 2010


  1. [S368] Donna Warner Lehman, "Southern Burts," listserve message unknown original date, 4 July 2000.
  2. [S178] Daughters of the American Revolution, Patriot Index, Joseph Burt, ancestor# A019678, source for middle name.
  3. [S15] Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), Genie Pace Bell, No. 86538, (descendant of patriot Joseph Burt, through his son, Jesse Burt)., Joseph Burt, ancestor# A019678.

Americus Marshall PACE1

M, b. 11 October 1843, d. 11 November 1844
2nd cousin 3 times removed of John Kennedy BROWN Jr.
John Burtt Descendants Chart
     Americus Marshall PACE, son of Elkanah PACE and Nancy Hurt BURT, was born on 11 October 1843.1

Americus Marshall PACE died on 11 November 1844 at age 1.1
Last Edited=10 Mar 2007


  1. [S368] Donna Warner Lehman, "Southern Burts," listserve message unknown original date, 4 July 2000.

Mary Havilah PACE1

F, b. 14 June 1849
2nd cousin 3 times removed of John Kennedy BROWN Jr.
John Burtt Descendants Chart
     Mary Havilah PACE, daughter of Elkanah PACE and Nancy Hurt BURT, was born on 14 June 1849.1
Last Edited=10 Mar 2007


  1. [S368] Donna Warner Lehman, "Southern Burts," listserve message unknown original date, 4 July 2000.